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Paul Zimmerman Roses Consulting & Design

Common Sense Gardening. In-Person or Remotely via the Virtual World

My Story

I started Paul Zimmerman Roses Consulting and Design around one simple message. Roses are nothing more than flowering shrubs and that’s how you should use, and treat them. Through consulting, design, writing, lectures and workshops my goal is to make roses less intimidating. I hope you enjoy my website.

If you have rose questions please come join my Facebook Group Discussion Page

To stay informed on my lates care tips, rose news and whatever else I get up to, Please Subscribe To My Newsletter.

Happy Roseing!




Virtual Remote or In-Person Consulting & Design

Could your garden use a professional touch? I offer either remote or in-person one-on-one consulting and garden design. 

Click Here for more information

Garden Tours.

My Garden Tours are a mix of gardens, food,, fun and most of all friendship. New friends and a chance to see old friends. Many of my guests join me regularly touring great gardens. Click on the link below to learn what’s currently on offer and/or to sign up for advance notices for future ones.

 November 2025 – New Zealand with Myself and Michael Marriott

February 2026 – India with Myself and Michael

Click Here for more information and how to reserve your spot

Ways To Keep In Touch

Paul Zimmerman Roses Gardening Discussion Group

If there is anything rose folks like as much as growing roses it’s talking about roses! I created a Facebook Discussion Group so you can ask questions to a wide group of gardeners and rosarians about anything related to rose growing. Come join us. Paul Zimmerman Roses Gardening Facebook Group.

Paul Zimmerman Roses Gazette Newsletter

My Newsletter contains tips on growing roses, using them in the garden, companion plants, rose news and whatever else I’ve been up to; including some content exclusive to the Newsletter. I won’t bombard your inbox with email and I will not share your information with anyone. Thanks for signing up.

Subscribe To My Newsletter

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Limited, signed copies of my book available in print until they last. 

My book has been out of print for about a year but I managed to procure some hard copies. They are brand new in the original softcover edition. I’m offering signed copies via my website for a limited time. Get one while they last. Click Here to purchase. 

The book can be shipped world-wide via USPS priority flat rate mail. I can fit up to two in one padded envelope. Shipping cost is the same as for one.

Raising Funds for Rose Rosette Research.

Dr Mark Windham, Dr. David Byrne and Dr. Kevin Ong are making strides in helping us as gardeners deal with Rose Rosette Disease. I did a full length video with them which we are using to raise funds for their research. There are grants out there but over the last few years they have not procured one. So we are asking the gardening community to help. All three gentleman are generous with their time and expertise and this is our way of giving back.

To be taken to the Go Fund Me site we have set up.
You can view the video there as well.
Please donate!


Who I am

I’ve been working with, and teaching about, garden roses for close to twenty-five years. While living in Los Angeles I owned and ran a rose care and rose garden design company. After moving to the upstate of South Carolina I founded Ashdown Roses, which was a rose nursery that offered a wide array of garden roses. I closed the nursery in 2010 to focus on garden desing, consulting, writing and speaking. I consult to both public and private gardens on sustainable care and designing gardens grown around roses.
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Consulting & Garden Design

I am about gardens grown around roses. From a simple consultation to designing your garden, assisting you, or your landscaper, with selection or setting up sustainable care programs. Public or private gardens and, in fact, I’m the Exclusive Rose Consultant to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC and is an Independent Consultant to Jackson & Perkins. I’ve consulted to the New York Botanical Garden and even ran a two day workshop for a delegation of rose professionals from China! Both can be done  in-person or remotely.  If you can dream it – I can help make it happen!

My Book

Everyday Roses is about make rose growing fun, easy and approachable. It’s available as a Kindle book on Amazon or you can buy signed copies directly from me. Click here to do so.

Speaking & Workshops

I’ve has given hundreds of talks and workshops on roses. From Rose Societies to Master Gardeners to the big shows like the Northwest Flower & Garden Show, the Philadelphia Flower Show and even in Europe. My talks are known for their energy, humor and simple approach to growing roses. That approach to roses is that “Roses are plants, too”. This accessible approach has convinced tens of thousands of gardeners that they too can grow roses in a general garden setting using their own gardener’s instincts. I want to get you and and everyone you know growing roses!

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