Ever thought about having a rose named for someone special or for a special occasion? It’s possible and we can help.
We will send you photos of a few roses to choose one from. Once you have selected your rose it will be registered with IRAR via the ARS Modern Roses Database under the name you chooses. It will also be listed on Help Me Find Rose with the same name. We will provide a certificate with the naming. The rose will be forever known by the name you choose
Additionally 10 plants will be included in the price and that also includes shipping. Additional plants can be purchased at the price of $25 each plus shipping. Plants are budded and that takes place in the summer for later summer delivery in one gallon containers.
The total price of naming and the 10 plants is $5000. Payable upon receipt of the invoice included with this letter of agreement. The invoice will be issued once you’ve chosen the rose you wish to name.
If you are interested please contact Paul directly to begin the discussion.
Here are some of the roses currently available for naming.