by Paul Zimmerman | May 3, 2017 | Fine Gardening Blog, Paul's Posts
I recently was introduced to a new idea on deer-proofing your garden. It doesn’t involve chemicals and the person who introduced me to it came about by accident. You can read about in my latest post for my Fine Gardening Magazine Rose Blog.
by Paul Zimmerman | Apr 27, 2017 | Paul's Posts
Since Pam and I both have a background in comedy our farm is nicknamed ‘The Funny Farm’! We are having an early spring and I took advantage of it this morning to take some photos. Hope you enjoy them! Rural England and Rev d'OrAlfred SisleyPenstemon...
by Paul Zimmerman | Apr 11, 2017 | Rose Care Quickies
You should always soak your bareroot roses after they arrive. The question is for how long? We have the answer in this Rose Care Quickie.
by Paul Zimmerman | Mar 27, 2017 | Paul's Posts
I spent last Saturday down at Brookgreen Gardens on Pawleys Island. This was part of their ‘Diggn It’ festival. I did a talk in the morning, a book signing and right after lunch a pruning demonstration in their new rose garden. Well, it wasn’t really...
by Paul Zimmerman | Mar 20, 2017 | Rose Care Quickies
Spring is around corner and I was finally able to get in and get my gardens cleaned and mulched with the help of the folks from J.A. Landscaping. It also gave me a chance to share some quick thoughts with you about mulch. Enjoy!