Rose Classes And Their Characteristics
(A Note. This article is in progress with detailed information still being added to all the classes.) The article is in three parts Species Roses Antique Roses Modern Roses SPECIES ROSES Sp. Species. Species roses are the wild roses of the world and by most estimates there are about a one hundred and forty that...
What Is A Garden Rose?
Paul F. Zimmerman - A two part series published in "The Rose". Official publication of The American Rose Society 2008 Part 1. Garden Roses. The Rose is one of the most diverse plants gardeners have. There are Cut Flower Roses producing beautiful long stem blooms for the florist industry, Exhibition Roses winning awards at shows...
Roses For Noses
(Fragrant Roses for a Florida Garden) Copyright John Starnes Jr. Tampa, Florida All Photos by John Starnes Jr. Abraham Darby Letting your eyes and nose be drawn into the sensuous velvety folds of a richly fragrant rose is a tonic for the soul, like getting lost in the allure of love itself. Perhaps that is...
What Is An Old Garden Rose?
Paul F. Zimmerman Originally published in The Rose Reporter Part 1 - What is an Old Garden Rose? I was approached at the last meeting by someone to write an article on the care of Old Garden Roses. This rosarian was intrigued by them but would like more information on care and cultivation before she...